Remember this fun design plan for my boys room?
Back in May 2023 we started a project of swapping the kids spaces. The rooms just needed to make better sense for who was using them and where they were in our house. We swapped and talked about it on Instagram during the process. I had a sweet design plan (you can see it HERE)and then…well, my boys just wanted what they wanted. They didn’t want the walls painted or their things tucked away. They wanted tons of their stuff on display on the walls and shelves. They wanted curtains for the closet, a few new drawers and a bunk bed. I felt like I should have gotten them a bigger/more solid bunk and kind of thought their cheap one was a mistake. But…they are simple guys and are rarely even in their rooms. They didn’t mind that the bunk bed was creaky and honestly they will probably have their own rooms in a few years – so I just let my design plans go.
We got furniture (a few long lockers) and shelves and curtains and a large fluffy rug that made sense. I did get the tiger rug for Blake (as planned) and a few other items. They also needed some extra shelves for their Lego collection. We used art we had and bought a few frames as well.
So that’s how it worked out. This is their space and as long as they can keep it cleaned up, feel safe and sleep well- I don’t really care if it’s my preferred design aesthetic. Form and function have to make sense for everyone (and especially for the people who occupy those rooms)!
Overall, it was an inexpensive and practical project that the boys love. Win, win, win!
How do you balance your design preferences vs. your kid’s preferences?

Paige’s room came together and still needs a few tweaks- but overall it’s an adorable teen girl space that she loves. I may post pictures eventually if she doesn’t mind. Stay tuned.