Back in the Fall of 2022 we decided the boys needed a better bedroom set-up and some new furniture. We set to work ordering new stuff and I created a fun design board for their space (see details & links below).
But then December hit and time got cramped and money disappeared and the stuff we ordered just sat in boxes. We were busy with life and the kids musical (performed in early March) and we just let the project rest. As I was contemplating the design for the space and the way to make the room work for our two boys I looked up one day and thought…wait…why don’t we switch the kids rooms altogether? The other room has a bigger closet and is down the hall from the evening noise (Blake is the youngest and goes to bed earlier than the rest of us). Paige is leaving in a few years (yes I can already feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I type this) and doesn’t need as much space as the two boys. I wondered if we could make it work?
We started talking to the kids about the changes and soon enough they were onboard (well 2 out of 3 were excited- so that was good). We told them any day now we would need to start the painful process of pulling everything out of their closets and rooms and start making the switch.
Fast forward to a day in spring when I finally decided enough was enough and it was time to make it happen. I had not plan and no idea how it would all get done but it was time to stop thinking about it and talking about it and just do it. If you follow me on Instagram you have seen some of the progress we have made. There will be more updates to come and I’ll be sure to post before and after photos but for now we are still in the sorting, organizing and de-cluttering stage. Every few days and on the weekends when we have the time we work on the rooms.
It’s not as fast and streamline as it looks on the internet or HGTV- but in our reality this is all we can do to make it work. Most items are moved and the kids can now sleep and use their new rooms. We just keep chipping away and I’m hoping by mid-summer everyone will have the spaces they want/need.
The original design was for a smaller room and it had a lot of wall space. The boys wanted a vintage camp vibe with muted colors and some tiger stuff thrown in there (Blake loves TIGERS & LIONS). But as their stuff is starting to get displayed and I’m seeing more of what Grant had in mind I think I’ll tweak it a little. There are more windows and we need more shelving than I originally planned (so many LEGO sets and random pieces). Many of these things have been purchased (furniture & such) so we will just make a few changes to the overall design. Honestly, the boys (and Paige) just need a safe space to live and sleep- the design stuff is just the fun extras that I’m grateful we get to do!
Here’s the original design board & links (I’ll post the new one when I’m done):

3- desk w/ shelf (this is similar to the one we purchased)
4- bunk bed (I purchased it from Target 12/2022 and it’s now sold out-we wouldn’t buy again)
5- B pillow
6- rug
8- tiger rug