It’a almost february’s 10 on 10 and I have not even said Happy New Year…how is this possible?
Life is moving along so quick I cannot catch my breath, but we are having fun and enjoying each little new stage of Blakey’s first year!
I have worked hard for the past month to focus on things at home and to be really intentional about how I spend my time {blogging has obviously not made it on the “must-do” list}. I can be so scattered and “in-the-moment” that I have decided it’s time to change things up. In this season of life I have to learn to just get into a daily routine, develop some healthy habits and focus on enjoying the spontaneity of life when it does happen but not live in that everyday. So naturally with all that in mind my word of the year {actually phrase of the year} is:
embrace routine
I realize that for some of you this is a real head-scratcher. Why would I need to embrace routine or even focus on this as a concept? I’m certain that routine comes naturally to most people {and especially during the motherhood stage of life}. But I am not one of those people that it comes by it naturally. I will talk more about it more some other time but for now here are a few of my favorite posts from last year! Enjoy!
A few of my favorite posts from 2014:
make your own {DISNEY} t-shirt
ten on ten {july 2014} & waiting for baby
{teaching my kids to be BRAVE}