Happy sweater wearing, boot loving, cider sipping, Back-to-School, pencils sharpened, apple picking, pumpkin cooking SEPTEMBER! Do you like this time of year? I for one love Autumn! Every September I’m giddy with the delightful anticipation of all-things amber and pumpkin spiced! I decorate for fall and start making comfort meals before the temperature says…
Tag: cooking with kids
zucchini YUM
Here are two of my favorite Zucchini recipes before summerYUM officially ends…enjoy! Chocolate Zucchini Cake Ingredients: 1 medium zucchini or 2 small (grated) 1 box of chocolate cake mix (I used gluten-free) muffin cup liners if making cupcakes Directions: 1. Grate the zucchini and pat with a towel to get rid of some of the…
our world through instagram {instaDUMP time}
It’s instaDUMP time! Just a few of the things we have been up to lately {through some of my favorite pictures that I have posted on my Instagram feed}! What have you been up to? Are you on Instagram? Don’t you just love it?