Dear Music, Thank you for bringing so much joy to my life. Thank you for bringing fun to our dance parties, peace to our home, spice to our road trips, energy to our chores, emotions to our movies…I could go on and on. As you know, I love to sing and at one time I…
Author: Laura Panfilio
Dear Pinterest, I’ve said it before and I will say it again…I love you. The people who invented you are geniuses! I have over 6,000 pins…so this thing we have going on is really working for me. I love you! Enough said! Sincerely {and thankfully}, *laura* P.S. The many pinterest boards that I have created…
{for the love of old photos}
Dear Old Photos, I just love you. There are a million reasons why. I love old clothes & hair styles and old cars & scenery and old things! I love history & old stories! Sometimes you are funny and sometimes you make me cry. I don’t even care if you are faded, black & white…
{weekdays & weekends}
Day 5 Dear Weekdays, How do you run away so quick? How is it already the weekend? It’s like the week just began and now you are gone…again. I didn’t have a chance to catch my breath last week and now you are gone again. School and Meetings and Groceries and Dinner and Backpacks and…
{the truth about chores}
Dear Chores, I don’t know how to tell you this, but…ummm. Let’s see…how do I say this…well? I guess I should just come right out and tell you…oh boy. NOBODY LIKES YOU. Sorry to say it…but…it’s true. You are endless and time-consuming and sometimes just downright hard to manage. I am doing my best to…