Dear Chores,
I don’t know how to tell you this, but…ummm. Let’s see…how do I say this…well?
I guess I should just come right out and tell you…oh boy.
NOBODY LIKES YOU. Sorry to say it…but…it’s true.
You are endless and time-consuming and sometimes just downright hard to manage. I am doing my best to teach my kids how to keep on top of your endless needs…but it’s tough. Sometimes I just want to take care of you myself but I feel like the sooner the kids get to know your ways…the better off they will be down the road. Plus, I just cannot keep up with you. Some people are better at handling you than others. My husband seems to take care of you quickly and efficiently while I get easily distracted and seem to take forever to consider you done. I have used several systems to manage you, but it’s always a work in progress. I hope you know that we will always have you around…but that doesn’t really mean that we like you. In fact, part of the reason we go on vacation is to get a break from you {and you often show up there too}. I can appreciate your role in life and in our home and family. I will try to embrace you more and find a way to keep us all sane. For now the chore money seems to be a good way to motivate the kids so please be kind and help them learn your ways. I will try to be less grumpy about you…until we meet again {oh wait…that will be in the next few minutes as I fold the laundry and do the dishes and add that new meeting to the calendar}!
Sincerely {and some-what grumpy},
P.S. I have found some other systems that may work in the future {see below}. What do you think? You are the expert.
A few other CHORE systems
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