I recently talked about my unhappy feelings about the park HERE. A few of my friends laughed when they read it because they know how I am! But something they may not realize is that I love to play games!!! I love to play with adults or kids and I will play almost anything!
We have a ton of board games for the kids & I love playing with them because it’s fun, easy and teaches them about sportsmanship & strategy. I never let them win because I think it’s a great way for us to not only process what it’s like to lose and how to do that with grace but to also help them be happy for others when they win. It can be pretty dramatic when one of them does lose but usually they come around to cheering each other on {especially when they realize that everyone wins and everyone loses}! This precession takes a little time but it’s worth it. I find it hysterical to see how they use the strategies I have taught them or even how they come up with their own. Sometimes they shock me with ways to play that I would have never have thought of myself. All in all I just find games fun.
Here are a few of our favorite games {the kid games range from ages 3 to 8}.
::my favorite kid games::
UNO moo {I just started teaching them the UNO card game}
Sequence (for kids)
Connect 4
::their favorite kid games::
Don’t Break the Ice
Go Fish
Beat the Parents {we have the Disney version}
::a few I cannot wait to teach them::
Settlers of Catan
Hand & Foot
Apples to Apples