Summer is almost over {even though it’s still hot around here}. The first half of my summer I was miserably pregnant and the second half I was elated with sweet Blake in my arms 24/7. I did not accomplish anything or even get out of the house from June to September. Remember THIS post about all the things I hoped to do with my two big kids? None of those things happened and before we knew it they were back to school last week.
During our “back to school” festivities we had a special first day breakfast with pancakes in the shape of a K and a 1 for their grades.
We also celebrated my Dad’s birthday with his favorite meal and a cake last week {to honor his life and not focus on the day he passed away}. I was nervous about getting the kids to school with a newborn in tow but we made it and even made it to the donut shop one morning!
We celebrated Paigey’s birthday with a small family party and mall outing {she got an Elsa costume, visit from Nana and Papa and many other fun gifts} this past weekend.
Grammy had a birthday in there somewhere, Blake turned one month old, my brother came to town for a visit and Aaron was busy turning our backyard into a fun play zone for the kids {pictures & details coming soon}.
He is such a cutie! I have a million hashtags for Blake on my Instagram account but one of my favorites is #spikeyhairdontcare {you can find me there under the username of: everydayVALENTINE}!
With the hope of a new season upon us we are enjoying the last few moments of summer but let’s hope Fall is on its way!