I’m linking up with the Nester again this year for her 31 days of writing challenge. Every year she hosts a link-up during the month of October. If you want to read a little more about me be sure to check back here as I will be writing about my musings on MOTHERHOOD every day in October. I’m in that sweet spot with a baby where my heart is gushing with thoughts and feelings about this Mommy role that God has given me. Hope to see you then.
And by the way…do you know about the Nester? She is awesome! I read her blog often and absolutely devoured her book {the Nesting place} during our summer vacation.
{here i am reading my book with my baby bump and some coffee…a great way to start a day}
Her book inspired me, encouraged me & made me think. I cannot say enough about it.
You may want to go read this book if:
you love to make your home beautiful,
you are paralyzed by perfectionism,
you have moved a lot & feel tired,
you are a renter who feels trapped by your circumstances,
you have budget & time limitations to decorate your space
or you just want to be inspired.
My favorite concept from her book is the continual encouragement that:
it doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful
Isn’t that encouraging? I love it. It’s so freeing and I keep thinking about it {even months later} as I move and work in my home to make it beautiful. i will read this book again and again.
So just go read the Nesting place…you won’t be sorry!
P.S. I will be out-of-town when the 31 day challenge starts and may not be able to link up properly during those first few days…as I may not have access to a computer…but trust me that I will do the challenge either way!