One of my favorite things to do in January is look back on the past year and think about what I loved about it and what made it good {as a side note: I also like to think about the year ahead and how I can learn from the past years difficulties or mistakes…but that is a post for another day}! Today I am sharing some of my favorite blog posts from 2013. It was a really tough year for me personally, but when I look at these posts I see the good, fun, delicious and special parts that made it liveable. The small parties, special recipes, trips to Disneyland, dinners with friends, funny moments with my little family and pictures of my kids help remind me that even in hard times…my life is pretty darn great. I hope you enjoy looking back with me!
January: Game Day Food
February: valentineFUN {DÉCOR}
March: ASHLEY’s baby shower {for a princess in the making}
April: don’t forget the scones {this EASTER}
May: a SUPER HERO birthday party {super cousies turn 4}
June: happy travels {TRAVEL WEEK recap}
July: a BABY SHOWER brunch {for mommy & babe}
August: August 10 on 10
September: it’s a small world {after all}
October: 31 days of letters {recap page}
a few of my favorite letters:
November: FALL dessert
December: more holiday décor ideas