I am ready to kiss 2013 goodbye! It was the most difficult year of my life and hopefully our family can look forward to not having a year like that ever again {or at least anytime soon}. I’m thankful for the ups {and some of the downs} but I’m looking forward to a clean slate! And I love change…I crave it.
Last year my word for the year that I chose to concentrate on was: FOCUS. I am a very spontaneous, “fly by the seat of my pants” kind of girl. It is hard for me to carry out any task without starting a new one and I often don’t even finish what I start. I’m scatter-brained and messy and unorganized and I just needed to find a way to focus. I don’t think I grew in leaps and bounds in this area but I did grow. Baby steps. Beyond needing to focus to get though my day-to-day tasks I wanted focus on the things in life that really matter. As we tried to get through a year of grief {after losing my Dad}, some personal issues my brother went through and a ton of physical illness among the kids and myself {including two rounds of lice in our home in a few months} I just had to let a lot go. So what if Paige wore red leggings with a peach colored top and her hair wasn’t combed for school. So what if the kids watched way more TV than I would like and missed a few social events and ate popcorn & yogurt for dinner…I just survived. I focused on living in the moment, giving extra hugs, loving on the kids on days that were sad and hard and tried to spend time thanking the Lord for what we had been given and not what had been taken away.
Choosing one word for the year {instead of setting a bunch of resolutions} is my kind of challenge and a much more realistic goal for my personality. This year I am choosing the word: SIMPLIFY
I have many thoughts on what that is going to look like but I haven’t fully formulated them yet. I’m still stewing and praying over how I want that to play out. Do you do resolutions? Set goals? Like change? If so I hope you can find a word to lean on this year. To make some baby-step changes towards becoming the person you were put on earth to be. To live for things worth living for.
Happy New Year and may God richly bless your life in big and small ways in 2014. Thank you for stopping by my little space and reading about my life and my heart and the little creative ways I try to carve out beauty everyday. Cheers!
Wait, you let her go to school with out brushing her hair. FIRED!
Kidding of course.
May you and yours be blessed with patients that is not taught through struggle, love not taught through death and a sense of home from the enjoyment of your hubby and kids and not through the times of missing them when away (hubby).