Isn’t this doily string of lights fun? I recently saw THIS idea on Pinterest and decided to try it myself. If I had an all-white strand of lights around I would have used it…but I didn’t and I still think it turned out great!
Easy, Cute & Cheap…my kind of craft!
::materials needed::
doily pack (whatever size & color you prefer)
one strand of lights
In about 10 minutes I completed this craft. I bought a small pack of doilies at the Dollar Tree and counted out how many I would need (so that each light was covered). Next, I punched the doily through each individual light in different configurations {see above} and hung them up over our front window. Ta-Da!
Next, I put some fun little touches around the house for decorations.

Don’t you love this banner that I hung from our kitchen light fixture
{my sweet friend Katrina made it for me}!