My little girl turns 5 today and I can hardly believe it.
On her first birthday we lived in Fresno, had been in our first house for a year, and had made a few wonderful friends from our church. I was recently pregnant with Grant, very sick all day and tired…but I managed to throw together a simple little party for our new friends, lots of old friends and even our dear family members who lived all over the state and even further. In all there were around 50 people there and it really was a lovely day.
Friends and family brought food and helped me put together the few decorations I had made. At the last-minute they frosted cupcakes for us and made ice runs to the store. We were lucky to have such support and love! What a great day it was and how far our little girl has come. I love you Paige…you are a lucky girl to have so many loved ones in your life. And so are we!