To my Children…
Words cannot express the emotions and LOVE that I feel when I look at these pictures of you both…my beautiful girl and my precious little man. I love you my sweet little lovelies! Pretty, pretty please don’t forget that! Especially when you are teenagers!
To my Wonderful Husband…
There is nothing i could say that could adequately convey how much I love you (and i don’t want to embarrass you on here) so I’ll just say kiss, kiss! You know i love you babe!
There is nothing i could say that could adequately convey how much I love you (and i don’t want to embarrass you on here) so I’ll just say kiss, kiss! You know i love you babe!
Here are my perfect little valentine babies who modeled for a photo workshop given by my friend Cori Derksen. She’s an amazing photographer so be sure to check her out HERE! Thanks to all you ladies who took some amazing pictures that day and for capturing my little ones so beautifully! P.S. I totally recognize that I have posted way too many pictures and that they are very similar but I loved how each person had their own perspective & take so I just posted a bunch. Please forgive this proud mama!
Photo’s Taken By: Cori Derksen

I saved two of the best photos for last…I love them all but she added these words and they could not be more perfect.
SO glad you liked the pictures.
Your kids are ADORABLE and had to be the smiliest (is that a word?) kids I’ve ever met. It was a joy taking pictures of them.
I can’t take full credit for the photos though, since Cori gave us the magic ISO-aperture-shutter speed numbers, ha!
I’ve been shooting in manual since the workshop and am getting more confidant. If only my own children were as patient as yours.
Happy Valentine’s Day!!!