Want to start thinking about “going green” but have no idea how or where to start?
If you are like me this can be overwhelming…but I’m here to tell you that you can slowly start to incorporate some “green” living into your life. And the great thing about these slow changes is that they will save you some “green” (cash that is)! So it’s a win/win! Don’t worry about perfection, every change in life work working at should be slow and steady!
Here is my first idea:
Buy a 12 pack of paper towels and see you if you can use just one roll per month this year!
I currently do this-so I know it’s possible!
If you are like me…you will need:
- a large stack of washcloths (we use about 3 – 6 everyday…one type for counters and one type for washing little hands and faces…if you prefer sponges i’m sure this can work the same way)
- cloth napkins (mostly old, used ones for everyday and a few nice ones for guests)
- kitchen towels (we use about 4 in the kitchen at a time…the pretty ones move from the nice spot on the oven to the fridge handle…to the laundry every few days)
- a new mindset about laundry because you will have to wash these things every few days (This may take some getting used to but it will save you money in the long run. Let me reassure you that if you are thinking “that is a lot of water to use…is that green?”my short answer is yes…sort of…producing paper products consumes tons of water so as long as you try to run cold, short loads the long run answer is yes it is more green to wash towels that can be used again and again than buy and use paper towels once!)
P.S. (If you compost you can often put the paper towels that you do use in there as long as you don’t have any grease, chemicals or animal products on them)
I love the idea of using fewer papertowels. So awesome. We use lots of cotton towels, cloth napkins and now we use these too:
I love them and now we use one roll of paper towels every 3-4 months. So rad.