So I’m still thinking about the baby room. Go figure! We are in a rental…so paint color and a bunch of holes in the wall are not the most practical things to change…but we may do it anyway. My amazing husband is so handy with changing lights {a post on that is coming soon} and…
Tag: vintage
{HOMEgirl} oh deer, oh dear
Can you believe the antler, taxidermy, deer trend going on in design right now? I cannot believe it. It cracks me up because growing up we had a large stuffed deer on our living room wall that freaked out all of my friends. It was so far from being a trend that it was almost…
{HOME girl} cribs BABY
If you didn’t have a chance to read about my thoughts on beautiful design vs. practical design {last week} you can find it HERE. Most of the cribs I love can be found on my pinterest board HERE. THIS is the crib I put on my design idea board originally. I love it! I have…
home on the range {our baby boy’s nursery}
Now that I know we are having a boy I have been day dreaming, nesting & planning ahead for our baby’s little space in the world. A place where I can rock him, feed him, hold him, swaddle him, wake him up and put him to sleep. Right now I am planning for a rustic/vintage…
a BABY SHOWER BRUNCH for mommy & babe
I have this friend Christine. I love her. She is fun, free-spirited, eclectic, kind, a brilliant mommy and totally comfortable in her own skin. I adore my time with her (although it is very limited)! I have known her family since I was in middle school and now get to be connected to her through…