Aaron finally completed fire academy & is excited to be working for the Alameda County Fire Department!!!! Wooohooo! We are so proud of him & honored to celebrate this HUGE accomplishment! Santa Ana Community College Fire Academy (16 weeks completed) + Fresno City Fire Department Academy (16 weeks completed) + Alameda County Fire Department Academy…
Tag: paige
happy, happy 4th of july
When an American says that he loves his country, he means not only that he loves the New England hills, the prairies glistening in the sun, the wide and rising plains, the great mountains, and the sea. He means that he loves an inner air, an inner light in which freedom lives and in which…
even on the long days I have to say…
beautiful birthday girl {ELLA} & a few tutorials
This past weekend we got to celebrate one of my favorite things: our little friend Ella’s 1st Birthday I knew I wanted to make her a special party hat and banner but I was not sure where to start. So I got out my scraps, used the invites & cupcake toppers for inspiration and got…
random stuff and sticky floors
Have you discovered Pinterest yet? It’s amazing. My friend Ailie told me about it and I finally got into it last week. It is like having a cork board online of all your favorite things….it’s honestly too fun. I’m finding that it’s a great way to keep track of all the cool things you see…