I only know two things to say about this summer treat that I love to make: First is that I have no fancy name for it but some people like to call it “Road Trip Chick Dip” (for reasons I can only imagine relate to “chick food” and people loving to snack on road trips)….
Category: summerFUN
paigey’s {PINEAPPLE} present drink
Paigey & I invented this little drink recently. It’s so tasty & very refreshing & simply lovely! She named it “Pineapple Present Drink” so that is what we call it! Enjoy! I used a sweetened lime juice because that is what I had but freshly squeezed lime would be great as well! If you wanted…
one of my favorite pics
(summer 2010) I love my little girl & when I came across this picture the other day I just had to post it…for no reason other than how happy I feel when I look at it {it’s one of my favorite pictures of all time}!
a life on hold
While Aaron has been in fire academy & we’ve been living here at my parents our life has felt sort of “on hold” and temporary. Needless to say this is kind of tough on a marriage and the occasional date is required to stay in tact. So thanks to the help of family to watch…
happy, happy 4th of july
When an American says that he loves his country, he means not only that he loves the New England hills, the prairies glistening in the sun, the wide and rising plains, the great mountains, and the sea. He means that he loves an inner air, an inner light in which freedom lives and in which…