Baby it’s cold outside! When it’s cold outside I love to make soup. Some people (my husband included) don’t really think of soup as a meal. I get it. Sort-of. But I love soup. I think when it is made with some sides and a salad it works great as a dinner meal. I also…
Category: main dishes
How do you do CURRY?
This is how we do curry…RED THAI CURRY that is! Looking for a quick meal that you can grab from your pantry and freezer? Here it is. Basically if you have coconut milk, red curry paste, veggies, garlic and ginger on hand- you can make this quicker than you can get to a fast food…
Pumpkin Sausage Lasagna
I absolutely love pumpkin flavored food. I love it sweet. I love it savory. I love it in Thai food. I love it in coffee. I love to decorate with pumpkins. I love to cook with them. I love to imagine I’m Cinderella and I get to ride to a ball in a makeshift pumpkin…
the BEST flank steak marinade in the world!
Schopeck Family::Flank Steak Marinade:: Ingredients: Flank steak (typically about ½ lb. per person) + Marinade* *Make one batch of this marinade per steak: ¾ cup oil½ cup soy sauce (or gluten-free tamari sauce works great also) 2 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons white vinegar 1 ½ tsp. ground…
Baked Potato & Nacho Bar
Have you had the pleasure of partaking in a Nacho Bar party? Grant wanted a Nacho Bar for his recent birthday party. I added baked potatoes to the mix and Paige made homemade hot pretzels as well. It worked great because it wasn’t a ton of extra effort and these foods (baked potatoes and nacho…