To Half Dome with LOVE, It’s been a long time since I have seen you and even longer since I climbed your cables to the top. Years now. I miss you. I miss your beauty and your treacherous edges. I miss your awe-inspiring views and your beautiful Yosemite home. I know you have visitors from…
Category: 31 days
{a new year & a life plan}
Dear Life, Today I celebrate a new year…we have made it through the first year of my dad’s death. Today’s a new chance to move through the hard days with the knowledge that I got through a year…so I can get through the next. I hope I can find a little more joy this year…
{A letter to my DAD}
If I could write a letter to my Dad today…this is what I would write. For more on my Dad’s death you can read HERE and for more of my thoughts on grief you can read HERE. Dear Dad, Happy Heaven Day! We miss you. We miss you every day. If I could write you…
{thoughts on GRIEF}
You may or may not know about my Dad’s passing. This is a letter about that day & about my grief process this past year. A letter of HOPE to those who are grieving, This is my story of grief and how I am working through it. Last year, on October 15th it was a…
{social media}
Days 11, 12 & 13 Dear Instagram, I love you. You are low-key, fun and simple. You perfectly represent that saying…a pictures is worth a thousand words…and I just love that about you. Seeing people’s lives through pictures is all I need {with an occasional funny anecdote or hash-tag of course}. Thanks for being my…