For me the HEART of hospitality is to simply welcome people into our life in a casual & cozy way. We love to have friends over and we love to make people feel at home. If someone helps themselves to a cup of water and gets right in there in the kitchen with me I…
Author: Laura Panfilio
nail & yarn pumpkin board {holiday hospitality 101}
Remember that cute nail & yarn pumpkin board that I decorated with this year? Check it out HERE. My sweet friend Jessica {from DIY Swenson Style} was inspired by some ideas she saw on pinterest to create this great craft. With the help of her creative team she compiled and created this great craft for…
how i decorated for fall {holiday hospitality 101}
Here is how I decorated our home for Fall. I don’t have a mantle, so the top of my piano tends to be the spot I love to change and rearrange {the way I would if I had a mantle}. The blue wire frame in the background is actually a vintage crib spring that has…
{holiday hospitality 101}
Last week we did a really fun MOPS meeting: Holiday Hospitality 101 This was a chance to learn and teach each-other how to be hospitable during the holiday season {and all year}. Our team showed everyone how to do some crafts, makes some home-made treats, advent ideas and gifts. There were several recipes on display…
november {ten on ten} a full HARVEST
We had a simple & quiet Sunday. Grant was sick again and so we had a lazy morning and afternoon full of crafts and some garden work {I cannot take credit for garden work…only enjoying the fruit of Aaron’s labor}. We had a delicious dinner at Grammy’s with Fifi and Uncle Drew and walked…