A few years ago we decided to throw Paige a small Harry Potter Feast for a family birthday dinner we were hosting for her. She was in a truly obsessed Harry Potter mode at the time and wanted a gift that year instead of a party with friends – so we told her we would keep the family dinner party small. My mom and sister helped me run around- making this delightful spread. We shopped the house and yard for items that could work for decor. She had asked for Beef Stew for her dinner- so that went well with the feast idea and all the fruit and veggies and sides and potatoes that we threw on platters to give the look of a delicious feast. I served sparkling cider instead of butter beer because I just didn’t have time to figure out how to put that together. When she walked in the house (as the theme song from the movie played) she was surprised and happy and immediately figured out what we were trying to do with whole Harry Potter thing (that was a relief).

Here is what we did:

We wanted to surprise her and make the dinner table like the feast Harry had when arriving at Hogwarts for the first time. Here was our version of that (including floating candles, fancy dinnerware & silver platters gushing with food and delights. We also added a cage for Hedwig and some other HP treasures.

I set out photo props from HP so she could take some photos.

We made a cake look like the one that Hagrid made for Harry.

We put up a Platform 9 ¾ sign.

We added Moaning Myrtle to the bathroom mirror & MINISTRY OF MAGIC sign to the toilet.

If you are a fellow HP fan you will easily get some of the nods towards that theme. I am not a super fan and had to rely on my sister and limited knowledge of the books/movies (so don’t judge me too harshly if we got a few things wrong- ha ha). All in all it was a magical evening and she was both surprised and delighted!