I really want to be a park mom. But I’m not.
I want to say I HATE going to the park with my kids but I don’t actually HATE it. It’s a strong dislike.
Sometimes it’s okay.
The kids run in a million different directions from each other and from me.
There are a million ways for them to get hurt {or germs}.
They rarely have bathrooms.
And where is the darn shade?
And oh how I despise finding sand/bark in their shoes for days after going.
Sometimes there are mean kids {and their parents seem to be clueless or missing all-together}.
And when I meet friends it seems like we cannot even talk unless we completely ignore the kids {although this is hard any time I’m with friends & the kids}.
We all have our things we like and dislike. Even us mommies.
You can have the park…I’ll be hanging with my kids playing board games or watching a movie!