Day 18
Dear Candy Crush,
I love you and I hate you. Why are you so addicting? You are killing me! Lets hope this crush will pass!
Day 19
Dear Amazon,
I love you and I hate you. Why are you so addicting? You kill me! Happy Shopping!
Day 20
Dear Pumpkin Spice Latte {PSL},
I love you and I hate you. Why are you so addicting? Why? ! I just cannot get enough of you! Thanks a latte!
Day 21
Dear Netflix,
I love you and I hate you. Why are you so addicting? You kill me! Being able to play the next episode of a season right away can be a serious time waster! But you sure are great!
Day 22
Dear Costco,
I love you and I hate you. Why are you so addicting? I go into your massive warehouse for a few things and I come out $500 poorer. Who knew I needed a stapler, book, blender, bulk snacks, paper towels, new DVD, hot dog and bath towels…you did. So if I seem short with you in the future it’s because I just need to stick to the budget and get out of there…I’m not trying to run out on you!
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