Last week the kids and I sat down to craft (Grant wanted to practice cutting paper) and came up with these little puppets on accident!
He asked me to make him a rocket ship & a dinosaur.
Here is what I came up with.
All You Need:
popsicle sticks (sometimes called craft sticks)
card stock or construction paper
sharpie or markers
glue of choice (i used glue stick and E5000)
drawings of an object of choice (I drew these by looking at some illustrations online but you can always print something out and trace it if you are not comfortable doing it by sight)
This was my first dinosaur drawing…um…I’m not sure which part is the head…but as soon as I looked online under “dinosaur drawing” I was able to re-create this cute blue one instead {below}! To make him stand out a little I added an empty ribbon spool before I glued the popsicle stick to the back.
Little miss Paige requested a princess…so I looked online and found this drawing and did my best to recreate Rapunzel for her. It turned out pretty darn cute I think. All you need is a little imagination sometimes!

I think FUN was had by all!