Okay friends! So I am finally finishing up my 31 day project. Just a few days late! Life with a newborn and Halloween and homework and a house that never stops needing care has gotten the better of me. But I’m pressing-on because I have loved your feedback about motherhood. It seems that I’m not…
Tag: the nester
{ten on ten & mommy hands}
If you are joining me for the first time you may not know that I am linking up with the nester this month for a 31 day writing challenge {write 31 days}. I have decided to write about my musings on MOTHERHOOD. So with that in mind I wanted to take pictures that showed where…
{musings on MOTHERHOOD begins}
Day 1: So my 31 days of writing about motherhood begins! I’m far from home at the moment but excited to be linking up with the Nester and hundreds of other blogger/storyteller types as we write everyday in October. I literally have a newborn in my arms and two sweet big kids fast asleep as…
{musings on MOTHERHOOD & the Nester}
I’m linking up with the Nester again this year for her 31 days of writing challenge. Every year she hosts a link-up during the month of October. If you want to read a little more about me be sure to check back here as I will be writing about my musings on MOTHERHOOD every day…
ten on ten {july 2014} & waiting for baby
What we have been up to: I actually managed to remember that it was the tenth on Thursday and I took my pictures happily for 10 on 10 all day. I have been pretty miserable. I’m very thankful that a sweet baby boy is growing in my body but pregnancy is very hard on my…