Remember this fun design plan for my boys room? Back in May 2023 we started a project of swapping the kids spaces. The rooms just needed to make better sense for who was using them and where they were in our house. We swapped and talked about it on Instagram during the process. I had…
Tag: grant
zucchini YUM
Here are two of my favorite Zucchini recipes before summerYUM officially ends…enjoy! Chocolate Zucchini Cake Ingredients: 1 medium zucchini or 2 small (grated) 1 box of chocolate cake mix (I used gluten-free) muffin cup liners if making cupcakes Directions: 1. Grate the zucchini and pat with a towel to get rid of some of the…
{sometimes it all falls apart}
yep. sometimes it all falls apart and there is nothing left to do but give in. the house is a mess. i have things i have to get done tomorrow and it all starts early. last night was more of a nap than a night of sleep, making today hard. today was long. there was…
so long summer {heading BACK TO SCHOOL}
Summer is almost over {even though it’s still hot around here}. The first half of my summer I was miserably pregnant and the second half I was elated with sweet Blake in my arms 24/7. I did not accomplish anything or even get out of the house from June to September. Remember THIS post about…
…and while we are on the subject of BLAKE…
I know…I know. All I can talk about and blog about is BLAKE…but he is just so perfect that I cannot help myself. When he was just a week old I had the pleasure of hiring my friend Jessica for a photo shoot of the kids. She is a local photographer who takes amazing care…