Today is the two-year mark of my dad’s death {you can read about that HERE, HERE & HERE}. I can hardly believe it. Mostly we are just celebrating his life today but of course we are sad. I feel sad at the most random times. A song on the radio or something the kids say…
Tag: grampy
so long summer {heading BACK TO SCHOOL}
Summer is almost over {even though it’s still hot around here}. The first half of my summer I was miserably pregnant and the second half I was elated with sweet Blake in my arms 24/7. I did not accomplish anything or even get out of the house from June to September. Remember THIS post about…
{A letter to my DAD}
If I could write a letter to my Dad today…this is what I would write. For more on my Dad’s death you can read HERE and for more of my thoughts on grief you can read HERE. Dear Dad, Happy Heaven Day! We miss you. We miss you every day. If I could write you…
{thoughts on GRIEF}
You may or may not know about my Dad’s passing. This is a letter about that day & about my grief process this past year. A letter of HOPE to those who are grieving, This is my story of grief and how I am working through it. Last year, on October 15th it was a…
our world through instagram {instaDUMP time}
It’s instaDUMP time! Just a few of the things we have been up to lately {through some of my favorite pictures that I have posted on my Instagram feed}! What have you been up to? Are you on Instagram? Don’t you just love it?